Psoriasis is a dreadful skin condition that leaves you in excruciating pain from skin rashes and freckles all over your body. The condition leaves you much uncomfortable with your own skin type and even takes away your confidence.
Another challenge that comes in dealing with Psoriasis is that it can only be treated to help you feel better and there’s no permanent cure for the skin disorder.
However, you need not worry when you resort to natural treatment methods with long-lasting results. Naturopathy has a proper treatment for Psoriasis that helps deal with the skin disorder by attacking the root cause.
Most often Psoriasis is caused due to lifestyle, food, and environmental sensitivities. It may be some food you’re allergic to or might be an environmental reaction. When you start working on identifying these allergies and reactions and eliminate them, you’re able to treat psoriasis effectively keeping the pain and discomfort caused due to peeling and scaling of the skin away.

Most often Psoriasis is caused due to lifestyle, food, and environmental sensitivities. It may be some food you’re allergic to or might be an environmental reaction. When you start working on identifying these allergies and reactions and eliminate them, you’re able to treat psoriasis effectively keeping the pain and discomfort caused due to peeling and scaling of the skin away.
Psoriasis can also be caused due to the inflammation of the Varicose veins, in which case, it helps to treat those veins to help deal with your skin disorder.
At Five Lotus Indo German, we follow natural procedures and therapies to heal your Psoriasis. The treatment is a blend of change in lifestyle and eating habits to move towards a more holistic diet as well as therapies such as mud therapy, hydrotherapy, sun bath, chromotherapy, and more to help detoxify the body
With these blend of lifestyle changes and therapies, we heal your Psoriasis naturally in no time at all so that you can regain your confidence and be more comfortable with your skin.
We treat Psoriasis Naturally !